Informations and Prices: +33 6 63 29 31 94
Address: 10 passage national - 75013 Paris


Address: Transports : Phone: E-mail :

Aurélien Plancher has pooled his postproduction expertise on more than 400 feature-length and short films since 2006, alongside a team of freelance and contract specialists (colourists, sound engineers, graphic designers, VFX artists, translators, etc.). He will be happy to schedule an appointment any day of the week to talk about your project at his 27-sqm temperature-controlled studio, in a house in southern Paris. Services are also available remotely (via a 8-Gbps/2-Gbps fibre connection or couriers). All the rates are in the public price list, so you'll find no surprises in your bill. Tell us about your project now and we'll send you a quote within 24 hours.

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